My Eyes Are So Tired From Work, Will Occupational Glasses Help Me?

Oct 17, 2023 | Eye health

We’re spending more time than ever on screens, and our eyes are feeling the burn. Research indicates that 7 out of 10 office workers experience digital eye strain. Occupational lenses are specialised multifocal lenses designed to alleviate digital eye strain in our modern work environments. Let’s delve deeper into why occupational glasses might be the solution for you.

Our Eyes Aren’t Built for Non-stop Screen Time.

Naturally, our eyes aren’t designed to fixate on screens for long durations. Focusing on close-up objects requires the muscles inside and around our eyes to exert themselves. In essence, staring at a computer screen for an extended period is akin to running a marathon with a heavy rock in your hands. Digital eye strain occurs when these focusing muscles are overworked. This discomfort can make work even more strenuous and exhausting. Read our digital eye strain blog here to learn about the common signs and symptoms.

How Can Glasses help?

In an ideal world, the best way to reduce digital eye strain is to take an eye break every 20 minutes and limit your screen time to less than 2 hours per day. However, it is almost impossible to achieve with our modern lifestyles. Computer glasses possess the correct magnifying power can help reduce the required effort for your eye muscles to work. They essentially remove that heavy rock from your hands as you focus on running your marathon.

Differences Among Occupational Lenses, Computer Glasses, and Multifocal Glasses.

 Did you know that different magnifying power is needed for optimal focus at different distances? The optimal lens power for computer distance might differ from that needed for reading or other tasks at work. Occupational lenses are a special type of multifocal glasses. They offer optimal computer distance viewing while also accommodating other distances. Let’s compare occupational lenses with single vision computer glasses and conventional multifocal glasses.

A modern meeting

Computer glasses V.S. Occupational glasses:

Computer glasses are single-vision lenses with magnifying strength tailored for computer use. For most people under 50, these might suffice for both computer and reading distances. However, they don’t offer clear vision for far objects.

While many work tasks are centred around computers, it’s common that we will need to rapidly shift our gaze between different distances. Therefore, people wearing single vision computer glasses may need to constantly take their glasses on and off to see different distances. For example, in a meeting, you can read your laptop screen perfectly with your computer glasses, but you might need to take them off to see the projector screen across the room.  Occupational lenses tackle this issue, removing the need to swap glasses for varied office activities.

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Traditional multifocal glasses V.S. Occupational glasses:

If you require prescription glasses to see both distant and near objects clearly, you might already be wearing multifocal glasses full time. Traditional multifocal glasses offer a gradual change in lens strength from the top to the bottom. The area optimal for computer viewing is generally mid to lower on the lens. If you’re using large monitors, this section may be too narrow, causing you to tilt your head to locate the ideal view. Over time, this can lead to neck and shoulder discomfort.

Occupational lenses are a type of multifocal glasses crafted to prioritise the computer vision section, making it the largest part of the lens. This does limit distant vision as they emphasise the computer and reading sections. They aren’t recommended for driving, but most find no issues in their distance vision in an office setting.

If you’re experiencing eye strain and neck or shoulder pain from tilting your head to find the sweet spot in your multifocal glasses, consider investing in occupational lenses. They can significantly improve your comfort during work.


The ideal remedy for digital eye strain varies for each individual, influenced by their prescription, work type, and preferences. Book an eye test with our experienced optometrists today to discuss the best options for you. Tired of digital eye strain? Allow us to assist you!